Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hello Wrold

Hi everyone, my name is Agnes and I am a student of LaGuardia Community College. This semester I take Eng 101 course, where we were asked by a professor to keep a blog as another form of written journal or writer's notebook which is required in this class. Even if keeping blog is mandatory in this course, I think that this a very good idea because students will receive comments not only from a teacher but also from others and more or less improve literacy that is the main subject matter I this semester.

I assume that everyone had a moment where realized that knew something. My was in 2nd class of elementary school but to understand it I need to tell the story from the very beginning:
In 1st class of elementary school a teacher claimed that I can’t read and since that day I was made by my mother to read laud to her everyday. Few weeks later she started to asked us (students) to read in class, when the time came for me to read she said that I can’t do it because I don’t know how and this was happening every time she assigned readings. The next year in 2nd grade, we got a new teacher who on the first class asked every student to read. After we were done she asked some students to stay when class was over (she never called my name). Later on when I find out that called students where sent to after school class to improve their reading I was so happy she did call me because at that moment I realized I am capable to read pretty well. And at the same time show a teacher from previous class that she was wrong.

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