Monday, December 10, 2007

Yes, that’s me.

My name is Agnieszka Rybak. I was born on one of that wintry and icy day of January in Poland.
When I was young I always have loved theater and because in
Poland I was living in a small town I didn’t have so many opportunities to see plays or even take part in them. So in order to fill up this gap, we- my friends and I –pretended theater but this didn’t last so long because as we became older my friends lost the interest in it. However my interest in the theater didn’t disappear it even expended, today whenever I have time and money I go to theater instead of clubs or bars. As I went to high school I become member of Local Community Youth Center. Where I was a part of a dancing society, which learned to dance regional dances. Moreover in high school I took part in planning every years fashion show and celebration the first day of spring.

As I said at the beginning, I constantly wanted to be evolved with law and its mechanism, because I believe that through this filed I am able to in the minor change world which need some help to be fixed. Though I decided to do so after coming to the USA therefore, the justice system in here is opposite than this in Poland especially for domestic violence victims that in mostly cases are women and children.

////United Nations Club and my person////

On November 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2007, eight students of LaGuardia Community College were proud attendees of 62nd Model UN Panel that took place in Washington D. C. The Untied Nations Conference was a very practical three day gathering of students not only form the United States but also from Canada and China.

During those three daysparticipants of Model UN Panel first presented the most intricate world’s problems for solution. After the process of selection through which the most urgent global issues had been decided to be solve on this conference, delegates of every participated nation in thispanel where looking for resolution through debates. At the end, every participant wasobligated to vote in order to choose the draft resolution that then will be become the
official resolution.
As I mentioned before eight students of LaGuardia Community College were taking part in 62nd Model UN Panel and one of those eight honored students who had the opportunity to be there was me. My name is Agnieszka Rybak, I am Polish immigrant who came to the United States five years ago. At the time I arrived here, I never even dreamed that one day I will take part of something so gracious like this conference.

Overall through this forum I learned a lot about myself, I realized; who I am, what are my gaps and how to improve my person. Plus I am really glad that this type of chance met me right now because it gave the idea that there a lot to do for me on this world.