Friday, November 30, 2007

Is technology help increase the sell of books?

How many of you read first the book and then saw it on the big screen? I believe that there are many who did it and there is the same amount of people or more who just went in a straight line to watch it on the screen.

As we look at the literature world, we come to the very simples conclusion that today book’s authors are in the better situation than those who lived a hundreds years ago. They have advantage over them because of the technology which allows today make movie based on the story with celebrities and at the same time help become famous novelist and increase sell of his/her books. In another words, in the result of technology that we have now, many today’s book writers won’t die unknown like those who lived several decades ago.

I am assuming that many of you have seen the movie “Their Eyes Were Watching God” but how many of us knew this book and its author before it came on the screen- I suppose that not many of us.

As Susan Hodara wrote in her article “Twenty-Five Reasons to Turn Off the TV” the author of “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, Hurston was the black writer who “died …in 1960 [and] was buried in an unmarked grave” never never actually during her live time was properly recognized. Finally, few years after “in 1973, the writer Alice Walker resolved to locate Hurston’s grave” and later publish her biography written by Rober E. Hemenway. This gave her work short fame which she never got during the life. People started to recognized Hurston and her work “which includes four novels, and autobiography, short stories, plays, essays, articles and to collection of folklore.”

However, the greatest interest her person and work got in 2005, when Oprah Winfrey financed the production of “Their Eyes Were Watching God” and Halle Berry a famous actress took the first plan role. By this movie her person right now is well known and her book today is the part of college curriculum. And according to many “this is compelling book that will touch communities all over the county” – I read it and saw the movie; and need to agree that the story is amazing, touching and push us to think about our lives now.

Hurston history is a good example that technology helps book writers. Sometimes people need to first see the movie that is based on the book and if it looks interesting on the screen many will go and buy the book.

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